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URBTEC™ offers a wide range of services to both public and private sectors through integrated and multidisciplinary technical expertise.


The consultancy’s work spans different scales, developing innovative proposals aligned with the principles of sustainable development.


The company is dedicated to delivering exceptional quality and efficiency, with the latest advancements in urban planning, urbanism and mobility.

Setor Privado

Private sector

Meeting the needs of the corporate world, fostering entrepreneurship and sustainable economic development.

Urban planning

Feasibility studies assess the viability of implementing a project. Through multidisciplinary evaluations that include profitability, trends and both optimistic and pessimistic scenarios, these studies support informed decision-making based on the realities of the assessed context.


Feasibility Study of Real Estate Projects


Urban Project


Urban Projects involve creating new urban spaces or intervening in existing ones. These projects are developed in stages, integrating simultaneous and complementary activities across various specialties, all coordinated 
in a continuous process until the necessary works are contracted for implementation.


Investment-Oriented Urban Plannings identifiy 
opportunities for financial returns within the urban context. This process may utilize tools such as Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs), tax incentives, and specific investment funds for urban development, fostering spatial efficiency
and sustainability.


Urban Planning  

Master Plan


Local Master Plans are strategic tools that guide the development of a specific area. Their creation involve gathering and analyzing physical, territorial, environmental and social information to identify the urban and market 
potential of the space.

Urban Studies aim to revitalize existing areas, 
enhancing quality of life by addressing aspects such as transportation, safety, access to opportunities, and environmental interactions.

Urban Study

Transportation and Mobility


Community Impact Study

Community Impact Studies are multidisciplinary reports that identifiy the positive and negative effects of projects while proposing mitigation and compensation measures. They evaluate factors like population density, land use, real estate appreciation, traffic generation, and public 
transportation demand.

Traffic Studies analyze vehicle circulation dynamics within roads or regions over a specific period, considering parameters such as speed, service levels, parking demand, and road safety. These studies provide critical insights for 
planning future interventions.

Traffic Study

Trip Generation

Impact Study

Trip Generation Impacr Studies are large-scale facilities and activities that generate significant travel influx, potentially causing congestion and safety issues. These Studies identify their impact on mobility and propose measures to mitigate these effects, ensuring safer and more efficient trips within affected areas.


Parking Lot Projects are designed according to municipal regulations, which define rules for space allocation, quantity and dimensions to ensure compliance and functionality.

Parking Lot Project

Signage Project


Signage Projects outline the implementation of clear and effective visual indicators for road users, including drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. These indicators must be easy to understand, consistent, visible and well-maintained, ensuring safe and informed traffic behavior.


The application of Transit and Transportation Technologies facilitates the recording and management of data, generating statistics on travel demand and supply. These technologies optimize resources use and address issues 
such as delays, infractions and claims, enhancing overall transportation efficiency,

Transit and Transportation Technology

Traffic Simulation

​​​​Traffic Simulators create digital models that simulate the movement of vehicles and people within specific areas. By considering factors like signage, speed limits and users behavior, these tools analyze current and future impacts and test proposed changes before implementation.


Traffic Monitoring Projects identify key elements for improving road fluidity, safety, accessibility and comfort. These studies focus on minimizing disruptions like accidents, vehicle breakdowns

and emergency responses, thereby enhancing overall quality of life.

Traffic Monitoring


Setor Público

Public sector

Meeting the needs of the public sector, developing improvements for cities and people.

Urban planning


City Plan


The Local City Plans/Director Plans are a fundamental instrument for urban development policy. They balance territorial, environmental, urban and socioeconomic factors, promoting equitable distribution of urbanization benefits and advocating for democratic use of municipal territory.


The Integrated Urban Development Plans serve as a 
metropolitan planning tool, guiding government actions in metropolitan regions, urban

agglomerations and microregions. They ensure intergovernmental cooperation for decisions related to Public Functions of Common Interest (FPICs).


Integrated Urban Development Plan

Regional Development Plan



Regional Development Plans aim to reduce inequalities through social, economic and cultural transformations. These plans involve multidisciplinary analyses addressing aspects 
like spatial mobility, urban networks, opportunities and innovations.

Sustainable Development Plans ensure the responsible and continuous success of organizations by applying ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles. They  emphasizes ethical practices and long-term sustainability.


Sustainable Development Plan

Transportation and Mobility

Urban Mobility Plan




The Urban Mobility Plans establishes mobility policies for municipalities, addressing road hierarchy, public transport framework, routes accessibility, and infrastructure needs for the following decade. Their goal is to improve sustainable traveling for all transportation modes.




The Public Transport Plans involve creating studies and proposals to enhance public transport services, improving efficiency and reducing costs. They prioritize sustainability and accessibility while supporting negotiations for service operations.


Public Transport Plan

Traffic Study


Traffic Studies analyze vehicle circulation dynamics within roads or regions over a specific period, considering parameters such as speed, service levels, parking demand, and road safety. 
These studies provide critical insights for planning future interventions.


Road Projects focus on designing road geometry and physical conditions to enhance mobility, reduce congestion and improve safety. These projects contribute to economic revitalization and expand access to services.

Road Project

Signage Project


Signage Projects outline the implementation of clear and effective visual indicators for road users, including drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. These indicators must be easy to understand, consistent, visible and well-maintained, ensuring safe and informed traffic behavior.




The Basic Designs for Implementation and Management of Traffic Systems are projects that define technical specifications for a traffic monitoring system. They support mobility planning, improve traffic management, and reduce accidents through integrated systems for data collection and control.

Basic Design

for Electronic Inspection


Our customers


United Nations Development Programme

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Paraná State Government


Federal District Government

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Municipality of Campo Grande (MS)

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Municipality of João Pessoa (PB)

Municipality of Palmas (PR)

Municipality of Fazenda Rio Grande (PR)

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Municipality of Canoinhas (SC)

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Municipality of Quatro Barras (PR)

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Municipality of Guarapuava (PR)


Municipality of Cabedelo (PB)


Municipality of Pato Branco (PB)


Municipality of Caxias do Sul (RS)


Municipality of Novo Hamburgo (RS)

Autonomous Social Service Paranacidade


GIZ - German International Cooperation Society


MDGP Incorporation







URBTEC™ | 1721, João Gualberto Avenue - 12th floor - Curitiba (PR) - 80030-001 |  |  +55 41 3281 1900

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