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Integrated Urban Development Plans of Londrina, Maringá and Cascavel Metropolitan Regions

These Integrated Urban Development Plans established the development’s framework of Londrina, Maringá and Cascavel metropolitan regions, defining strategic projects for each city, and indicating the management model of the metropolitan territory, heading future actions for both public and private sectors.


It was also part of their scope the territorial delimitation of the existing metropolitan regions, evaluating the maintenance, exclusion or addition of municipalities whitin their compositions, based on technical studies on the diagnosis of the metropolitan phenomenon.


The works were guided by the Metropolis Statute (Brazilian Federal Law No. 13.089/2015) and the City Statute (Brazilian Federal Law No. 10.257/2001). Studies, analyses and proposals were carried out in the fields of Territorial Planning and Land Use and Occupation; Metropolitan Mobility; and Environment.


Londrina, Maringá and Cascavel (PR) metropolitan regions 


2020 - 2022

URBTEC™ | 1721, João Gualberto Avenue - 12th floor - Curitiba (PR) - 80030-001 |  |  +55 41 3281 1900

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